Thursday, September 11, 2014

Avoid Colds this Season with these Immune Boosting Foods!

It is almost fall which means now is the time to start thinking about IMMUNE SUPPORT!
In order to avoid those nasty colds and viruses that seem to wreak havoc on our communities this time of year, we want to be thinking about foods and lifestyle behaviors that support a healthy immune system.
Why do we get sick in the fall?  Autumn is the time of year when we come into contact with more people and more germs (back to school, anyone?) and our stress levels amp up with our increased involvement in projects and preparation for the holidays. That's why it is so important to shift our attention and love to our immune system.

Foods that Support a Healthy Immune System

Supporting the immune system, means supporting the digestive system.  To boost immunity, support digestive health by:

1.) Taking a probiotic supplement every day

2.) Eating PRObiotic foods that contain beneficial bacteria that support the health of our intestinal flora and healthy intestinal flora is crucial for a healthy immune system. Eat more cultured foods and drinks like: 

  • sauerkraut
  • kimchi
  • coconut water kefir
  • miso
  • yogurt
3.) Incorporating PREbiotic foods into your daily diet. What are prebiotic foods? Foods that contain a plant fiber that feeds and nourishes the beneficial intestinal flora.
Prebiotic foods are:

  • raw and cooked onions
  • raw leeks 
  • raw garlic
  • raw asparagus
  • raw chicory root
  • bananas - unless you have a history of candida
  • jerusalem artichokes 
  • dandelion greens
4.) Including foods that are known for their immune boosting properties:
  • mushrooms 
  • green leafy veggies
  • berries - blueberries, raspberries, and gogi berries are my 3 favorite!
  • chaga mushroom tea
  • onions and garlic
  • green tea
  • turmeric (curry baby, curry!)

In addition to adding these immune boosting foods, try to avoid sugar (a major immune suppressor) and processed foods as much as possible!
Love to all your immune systems!

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