Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring into Spring Detox Workshop

Although this chilly weather continues to demand we bundle up in our warmest coats and scarves, there is no denying it! The signs of spring are everywhere! From the crocuses emerging from the earth’s cold ground to the sun’s extending presence in the sky, spring has come to wake us from our winter’s slumber and encourage our transition from the dark and cold winter to the warm weather months of summer.

As the season transitions from winter to spring, we, too, feel the urge to make changes during this time. We may experience this seasonal shift as an inspiration to clean the house, start a new exercise routine, or let go of relationships that no longer serve us. It is also the time of the year when the body naturally wants to ‘let go’ too. During the spring season, the body ramps up its natural detoxification system to get rid of any toxins or fat that have accumulated over the cold winter months. During this time you may notice that you feel less hungry, crave more lighter or raw foods, and have an increased desire to be out and about moving around. All of these behaviors support the body’s natural detoxification process and help prepare us for the hot summer weather. In order to create long-lasting health as well as look and feel our best, it is crucial to support our body during this season’s change. 

To help guide you in supporting your body’s natural cleansing process during this important time, I will be giving a Spring into Spring Detox talk on April 14th in North Salem.
During this talk you will:
  • Learn about the body’s natural detoxification process
  • Discover how to recognize the body’s signs for toxicity
  • Learn about the common environmental sources that contribute to toxicity and how to lower your exposure to them
  • Receive diet and lifestyle tips on how best to support your body’s detoxification process

I will also be providing yummy treats and refreshments that will get your taste buds buzzing for healthy spring fare!

If you’d like to spring into spring with me, please contact me at (914) 471-5091 or Please RSVP by April 8th as space is limited.
Location: North Salem, NY
Time: 4:00-5:30PM
Cost: Suggested donation of $10

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